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Renovations for the History Books

February 14, 2022 Projects

They're ones for the history books.

Take a look at some of the more interesting renovation projects completed through the Land Bank in local historic districts over the last two years.

625 Collins in the Old West End Historic District

When the yellow mess of a home was originally inspected, many were sure it would be demolished. It was vacant, with a collapsing foundation, peeling paint, six layers of old roofing, fire damage, and a kitchen straight out of a horror movie. But where others saw no hope, the Land Bank team saw a chance to prove once and for all that with a lot of money, elbow grease, and smarts, anything is possible.

With the capable help of construction manager, ARK Restoration & Construction, the Land Bank completed the six-figure renovation in 2020. The house was then marketed and sold for over $80/square foot, one of the highest comps in the Old West End in years!

Today, Ashley Scott and her pup have made it more than just a stunning example of Dutch Colonial revival architecture; they've made it a home.

824 Lagrange in the Vistula Historic District

In a different time, Lagrange Street bustled with the energy and activity of a growing city. But neighborhood changes over the last century have caused too many vacant lots to be added where mixed-use buildings once stood. The brick Side Hall Colonial Revival near the corner of Lagrange and N. Michigan being an obvious exception.

Enter Valerie and Peter Garforth, a committed preservationist couple with renovation experience from all over the world. They saw the property for what it was - a chance to invest in the neighborhood and bring beauty and use back to a long-abandoned building.

After purchasing it from the Land Bank and also hiring ARK Restoration & Construction, they completed a massive interior make-over and an appropriate exterior restoration. Today, the home is cared for, occupied, and contributing once again to the character and charms of Lower Town. All it took was a few dedicated people ready to step up.