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Sometimes a house is demolished, but its garage sticks around. It's odd, but we're committed to helping neighbors make it work.

The lonely garage

Fires and other emergencies can force a house to be demolished. But, unattached garages (and their driveways) might not suffer the same fate. These lonely garages don't make much sense on their own, but they can be a great addition to a neighboring property if the owners want it.

If you're living near one of these garages and it seems abandoned, bring it to our attention so we can investigate and see how we can help. If we move forward, we have developed a simple process to make the garage productive again.

Step 1: Tell us about the garage

If you'd like us to consider becoming the owner of the garage, the best way to bring it to our attention is by filling out our Property Request. That will get the ball rolling so we can reach back out with a plan.

Step 2: Land Bank becomes the owner

If we see a path to becoming the owner of this lonely garage, we'll get started. If all goes well, we'll become the owner in the due course of time with a clear title to the property.

Step 3: Inspection & offer

Once we're the owner, we will inspect the garage so we know what kind of repairs it might need.

We will then reach out and invite you and any other adjacent neighbors who are interested to submit an offer and renovation plan to us. This will be your chance to tell us how you'll use the garage, how you'll repair it to a safe condition, how much you are willing to pay for it, and where that money will come from. We'll definitely take the renovation costs into consideration when determining the purchase price.

Step 4: Close on the sale

If the Land Bank accepts your offer, we'll schedule a closing. At closing, you will become the new owner, but the Land Bank will keep a secured interest on the property. This secured interest will remain on title until all renovation work is complete and passes our inspection.

Step 5: Renovate the garage

Three months is the typical time frame the Land Bank allows for garage renovation work, but we can be flexible on the timing. Once you complete the renovation, the Land Bank will schedule a property inspection. If you pass the inspection, we'll satisfy our interest and the property will be yours, free and clear. The lonely garage won't be lonely anymore!

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