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RISE Neighborhoods

What it is

Targeted neighborhood investment

Along with our work in all neighborhoods, the Land Bank leads targeted investments in key places. RISE (Rebuild Invest Stabilize Engage) Neighborhoods is one of them.

How it works

RISE focuses on a Lucas County neighborhood comprehensively. RISE works to:

  • Help steady the real estate market and maintain property values
  • Build on resident-led efforts to improve neighborhood quality of life
  • Encourage a sense of place and community

RISE works to improve the real estate market. Investments help maintain and raise property values before and after improvements. Homeowners and businesses can take advantage of repair help. Both groups can receive financing and incentives, too.

Collaboration is key to RISE's success. RISE partners with neighborhood organizations on place-making initiatives, to create neighborhood spaces where residents feel proud and safe.

RISE also partners on critical code enforcement efforts. By doing this, we can help prevent safety issues and make sure building codes, housing codes, and zoning are all set.

Scott Park RISE

The Scott Park neighborhood is a current focus of RISE.

Scott Park is a diverse neighborhood bounded by the historic and redeveloping Scott Park campus. This majority African American neighborhood is bisected by Dorr Street and Nebraska Avenue, two of the key corridors of Toledo coming from downtown and going west. Like other nearby neighborhoods, its proximity to one of the major rail lines running through the city has created opportunities to clean up and re-purpose industrial land for the benefit of residents. A mix of long-term homeowners and landlords work hard to move the neighborhood forward. Many vacant lots create many opportunities and possibilities for greening and repurposing. The passion of residents is what makes the neighborhood strong.

How does RISE help residents?

RISE services you may be eligible for

RISE Neighborhood opportunities