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The 2021 Toledo Survey

"What gets measured gets dealt with."

At the Lucas County Land Bank, we’ve made it our mission to look carefully at the promise of our neighborhoods and the problems that hold them back. We’ve also made it our purpose to fix what is broken – to deal in areas that others quite understandably don’t.

It’s why we’re proud to release the results of our 2021 Toledo Survey. This survey builds on our first effort in 2015 – you can learn more below – that laid the framework for considerable investment in the land, buildings, and people that make up our community. The 2021 survey says much about the built environment in Toledo, but just as much about the daily lives of the people who make this city their home.

For the first time, we showcase the 82 diverse and captivating neighborhoods that make up Toledo. We do so in a published booklet that you can find linked below. Each of these neighborhoods has plenty to offer, and if you’re skeptical, we hope you’ll take a second look. To us, it’s crucial that they be seen – not only for what is working well, but the opportunities inherent in their challenges.

It’s a considerable feat to assemble maps, apps, hats, sunscreen, whistles, backpacks, and smiles into the pieces of a completed city-scale puzzle. We could not have done so without the fearless work of our 10 amazing Neighborhood Surveyors – Alana, Brooklynn, DaVonna, Julia, Justice, Kristen, Mando, Mike, Nicole, and Zach. It’s their undaunted commitment to the project – along with our Board and full-time Land Bank team, and our friends at Regrid – that made it possible.

Measuring 120,000 property parcels in Toledo is not easy, but the Land Bank has done it – twice. Dealing with the challenges this survey uncovers won’t be easy either. But, though we don’t have to deal with them all at once, we must deal with them.

Our community – and our neighborhoods – are counting on us.

Did we get something wrong? With a survey this large, we're bound to make a mistake or two. Nobody's perfect. If you see an error in the data, please use the link below to let us know.

Would you like us to come discuss the Survey with your group? We are happy to make time to come out and visit neighborhood groups, block watches, and others to share specific information about your neighborhood. Please use the link below to request our time.

Requests for Toledo Survey Data

The data gathered in our Toledo Survey projects is a public resource, and we invite public entities, neighborhood partners, and researchers to use it for the betterment of our community. Information is available in CSV and SHP file formats with a key that explains the data sourcing. To request access to the data files, please Contact Us.

The 2015 Toledo Survey

In 2015, the Land Bank spearheaded the first Toledo Survey. Volunteers and staff collected information on 122,000 parcels in Toledo, a first-of-its-kind effort. With this information, the Land Bank and other community partners made thousands of investments to improve our neighborhoods, including renovating and demolishing 2,438 properties in 1,500 days.

Questions about the Toledo Survey? Let us know!